中小企市場調查服務 - SMEs Market Research

InSightS Research understands the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises( SMEs ) for market research services. Therefore, we provide tailor-made market research solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises and provide market research services at reasonable prices, flexibility, and professionalism. Services include but are not limited to:

1. Street Intercept/Shop/Tenant Survey - Customer Satisfaction Survey/Consumer Behavior survey/Tenant Survey, etc.

2. Online Survey

3. Pedestrian/Traffic Flow Survey

4. Price Check (Products)

5. Focus Group

6. Product Testing (Hall Test)

7. Mystery Shopping Program (SME Program)

Contact us 

InSightS Research 明白中小企對於市場調查服務上的需求. 因此, 我們為不同的中小企提供度身訂造的市場調查方案, 以合理價格, 服務彈性及專業的提供市場調查服務, 服務包括但不限於:

1. 街頭/店舖/商戶訪問 - 滿意度調查/消費行為調查/商戶調查等

2. 網上調查

3. 人流統計調查

4. 產品價格調查

5. 焦點小組或座談會

6. 產品測試(廳堂測試)

7. 神秘顧客調查(特設中小企方案)
